Medium IVersion

Thank you for discovering this blog, welcome to WordMusing!

I love writing about all aspects of life in poetry and short stories.  I also present stories and poetry through spoken word.  My subjects are often autobiographical, real life to some extent, but sometimes I drop into fantasy mode.  I’m fascinated with the process of writing and discovering more new ways to write.
In 2017 I returned to photography, a hobby that greatly interested me back in the 80’s.  In those days I did a lot of portraits, but today I’ve found more of an interest in still life, and also capturing some creative pictures of the city where I live.  To see what I get up to in the world of photography, please visit my Flickr page.  Most of my images posted on Flickr are set to a Creative Commons (non commercial) licence.  You are welcome to use those images for your blog in return for a credit for each image used. (Please read details of CC licence).
A selection of my photography can also be found on
Pexels and Stocksnap.  The images I post on those websites are licensed as ‘Public Domain‘ anyone can use those images for all purposes, including commercial use without the need to give credit or ask permission.  My free images from Pexels can now be easily accessed within the WordPress Free Photo Library.


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*All written works on this blog by Suzy Hazelwood are the copyright © of the author of this blog, and must not be used for publication for profit without permission. However, if you have a blog or a website and you would like to use some of my written work, please make sure you give me full credit as the author and create a clear link back to this blog.  Also please feel free to reblog or use any of the share options for the posts.


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If you have any enquires regarding my poetry or photography, please send me your message on my Facebook or Twitter page.  You can also post your message in the comment box below.

I no longer have comments on my blog posts, so please feel free to leave a comment here… I’m happy to chat! 😀



22 thoughts on “ABOUT/LINKS

  1. Hi SuzyI still love your blog after all these years, and really loved your leading and thoughts on the Sylvia Plath poem. Were you the person who edited an online poetry magazine, and published one of my poems? Is the magazine still coming out, I used to really love gettting and reading it, but have not found one for a long time, and have even forgotten what it was called. I had an offer by my Edinburgh publisher Dionysia Press, to publish a book of my poetry, and would like to include that poem and to say that it first appeared in your magazine, but can’t seem to find or remember what thepoem was called (I guess its called getting old!) The press is run by a Greek woman calle Denise Smith ( though she often writes and publishes under her Greek name Denysia Zervanou, who published my first poems before the one that you kindly did. Could you please send the information, thanks, best wishes and blessings, Charles.

    1. Thanks so much Charles! 👍 Sorry I haven’t been here to answer your comment earlier. Yes I did create a poetry ezine on WordPress some time ago now (The Writing Garden). My life changed a lot from the beginning of that magazine and it became hard to find the time to do it all, so I decided I had to let it go. I also began getting more into photography, which was taking more of my time too.

      I feel magazines/ezines are better for an editor who is less of a creator, because it takes a lot of work on each issue, with emails to writers and finding images for the poems. The Writing Garden still exists as a WP website, I haven’t deleted it, but have set it to private so it can’t be viewed at the moment. I didn’t want to leave it open otherwise writers would have been trying to find how they could submit their work.

      Your poem was first published on your own blog, I remember asking you if it would be okay to publish one of your poems… but I don’t recall what it was called. I’ve taken a look at the issues but can’t find it. I will have another look, because there are a lot of poems per issue, and I may have just missed it. I’ll let you know if I find it.

      I only introduced the ability to submit written work in the later issues. There wasn’t a great deal of work submitted, so most of the content came from previously published work on the writers blogs, with links to the original posts. But you’re welcome to mention The Writing Garden if you want to. Wishing you all the best with your poetry book Charles! 😊

      1. Hi Suzi, thanks for your answer, and am glad that you are still creating in this very strange year. I was very creative in the shutdown, doing a lot of writing, reading and listening. I will see If I can find the ezine and find the poem. I also remember that it was the eidtion of it. For some reason, quite a lot of my content from the past appears to be missing, so can’t find that particular poem, but will carry on searching. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

  2. Just been reading your Mad Girl Sylvia Plath theory. Makes total sense to me, and somehow adds to the poignancy. You read the poem beautifully.

    1. Thank you so much! It’s always good to hear when someone understands what I write about, theories or poetry… thanks for taking the time to let me know, very much appreciated! 🙂

  3. Hello Suzy, I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I think your reason about the meaning of Mad Girl’s Love Song is very reasonable. Please have a great autumn time.

    1. Hello my friend!! 👋 Thank you, good to hear that! I’m not usually so deep on the analysis side of things, but just felt I wanted to mention that. I see so many Sylvia Plath fans talking about that poem in such a shallow way, especially on You Tube… it’s kind of frustrating to see that. I’m hoping to add to the thought process a bit more on that poem. Her poetry is pretty deep, not everyone’s ideal reading… but she certainly wasn’t a shallow writer.

      Thanks so much for your message, really appreciate that!😊 Have a great week, and yes… it’s that falling leafy time of year again… will be Christmas before we’ve even written the lists!!

  4. Hi, Suzy, lovely to know that you’ve still got the creative urge, and I shall look forward to your next piece.
    Re: Sylvia Plath – I have to agree regarding reading poetry: I always read out loud (even if it is only inside my head) which I think, in its own way, helps to attribute meaning. Also, as long as a piece is relatable to a reader, does it necessarily matter whether our interpretation is that of the writer – after all we can never truly experience the thoughts of another.
    Take care

    1. Hello Chris! 😊 Yes, I’m still writing! Just a bit slow on the posting these days… need to slow down a bit on writing to make room for a few other things in life. It is amazing what reading out loud does, it’s essentially speaking to ourselves… absolutely does attribute much deeper meaning. It’s odd how we can leave all that behind when we’re little kids and not realise the value of it.

      It’s interesting what you say about the relatable side of reading, I thought of mentioning that too, but held back because I didn’t want the post to be too long. It’s true, we do that a lot with songs, and even novels and films can be like that too. What one person gets from it, another person doesn’t, but will see something different.

      I was looking at an analysis of Sylvia Plath’s Daddy poem, it was interesting what was explained, but I realised that poem could be interpreted in a number of ways… quite a dark poem that one!

      Thanks so much for the great comment… will be dropping by very soon to read your poetry… have a lovely week Chris! 😊

    1. Hello Ursula! Thanks so much for your kind compliments… it’s always lovely to hear from those who have found some use for my images! The gift was a vintage book I bought from Etsy, the seller wrapped it beautifully… I just had to photograph it before it was opened. And great article you wrote too… no actually, I should say excellent… I totally agree with what you’ve said… everything we create has great value… content is such an empty word, yes… bury it!! 😀 All the best with your writing and your future projects Ursula!

    1. That’s great news Sim… it looks an excellent publication! Oh yes, and who doesn’t love cheesecake?!! Thanks so much for making use of the pictures and letting me know! 🤗

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